30 Days of Prayer
Why Should You Practice the Spiritual Discipline of Prayer?
Posted by: CDFWarrington on Monday, October 5, 2020 at 7:39PM
You may have read my CEO letter for this month about the Posture of Prayer. (If not, head on over to our articles section to check it out!) In that letter, I talked about the importance of having a posture of humility when we pray.... but why do we pray in the first place? Why should we?
In Ben Patterson and David L. Goetz's book Deepening Your Conversation with God, they talk about the importance of prayer in our daily lives and how we are in a spiritual battle against powers that we do not see, but we feel oppressing us every day. Towards the beginning of their book they write:
History and the future belong to the intercessors. That’s because the real struggle is spiritual, not physical. Those who know this are the true subversives, guerrillas of the Spirit, moving kingdoms and creation from their knees. So we pray—we must pray—because we are in a spiritual struggle—that we must take personally. We must pray for another reason: the work of the church is God’s work, not ours.
Here they make the point that the work that we are doing is not our work, but work for God. As it says in Colossians 3:23, "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men". And since it is God's work, shouldn't we be in constant communication with Him; asking Him what we should do and how we should do it?
This month I challenge you to 30 days of prayer and specifically for a person in your life that you feel God calling you to pray for. Don't let the person know, just pray for them and see how God works. How you do it, for how long, and in what manner, is all up to you; but, each week I will be posting a new area of focus to help guide you as you seek to deepen your prayer walk with God. So, make sure to frequent our new Facebook Page, PrayerNook each week to read the next area of focus. You can also take part in the group that we created on that page called "Practicing the Posture of Prayer" where you can get daily tidbits to help you as you learn to pray on a more regular basis.
Prayer is powerful. It is one of the most effective weapons that God has given us against the powers of darkness in our world. And we all can agree that right now there is much to fight for and fight against; so, we MUST be in prayer for guidance, wisdom and protection.
Lord, be with us now as we go into this time of focused prayer. You are God and we need your guidance and protection.