Daily Questions: When Little Hearts Ask Big Things

A Guide to Those Perfectly Profound Preschool Queries

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Daily Questions: When Little Hearts Ask Big Things

A Guide to Those Perfectly Profound Preschool Queries

Posted by: CDFWarrington on Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 9:03AM

Sacred Snapshot:

Welcome to your guide for those moments when craft time suddenly becomes contemplation time! Because let's face it - sometimes the deepest theological discussions happen right between the glue sticks and the graham crackers. Whether you're explaining why God doesn't need naps (even though teachers definitely do) or helping little hearts understand big love, we've got your back with age-appropriate answers that keep the theology sound and the snack time moving! 💝

What's Inside:

  • Day-by-day response guides for common questions
  • Biblical foundations made preschool-friendly
  • Practical follow-up activities that work in real life
  • Tips for turning unexpected questions into teachable moments

Quick Jump to Your Day:

Day 1: God's Big Love Family

Theme: Foundation of Unity & Prayer Connection - Because sometimes understanding God's family is easier with snacks! 🍪

Q1: "If God's family is so big, why can't I see everyone?"

Biblical Foundation:

Acts 2:42, 44-45 - "They devoted themselves... All believers were together..."

Preschool Response:

"You know how you can't see all your cousins at once, but they're still your family? God's family is like that - some we see at church, some at school, and some live far away, but God's love connects all our hearts together!"

Follow-up Activity:

Draw a big heart and add stick figures for different people in God's family. Watch their eyes light up when they realize they get to use ALL the crayons! 🎨

Q2: "Does God hear me when I talk to Him in my head?"

Biblical Foundation:

1 Samuel 1:13 - Hannah was praying in her heart

Preschool Response:

"Yes! God is so amazing that He hears every word we think or say. It's like having the world's best baby monitor, except God hears everyone, everywhere, all the time!"

Follow-up Activity:

Practice different ways of praying (whisper, silent, singing) - and yes, God even hears those prayers that somehow always include dinosaurs! 🦕

Q3: "Why can't I see God hugging me?"

Biblical Foundation:

Psalm 139:5 - "You hem me in behind and before..."

Preschool Response:

"Even though we can't see God's arms, we can feel God's love hugs through people who love us! When Mommy hugs you, or when friends share with you - that's like getting a God hug!"

Follow-up Activity:

Share "God hugs" (kind actions) with friends. Warning: This may result in an enthusiastic chain reaction of preschool hugs! 🤗

Day 2: Open Hearts, Open Arms

Theme: Love Beyond Walls & Hospitality - Where we learn that God's family speaks many languages (including toy car sounds! 🚗)

[Continue with Day 2's questions in same format as Day 1...]

Quick Teaching Tips

  • Always validate the question first (even if it's about whether angels need snack time)
  • Use examples they can see and touch (blocks make excellent sermon illustrations!)
  • Keep answers simple but true (theological accuracy can coexist with graham crackers)
  • Remember that sometimes "Let's pray about that" is the perfect answer (especially when you need a moment to think!)
  • Never underestimate a preschooler's ability to understand God's love (or their ability to find the one crayon you thought you'd hidden)

Day 3: Peace-Making Hearts

Theme: Building Peace - Because sometimes being a peacemaker means sharing the blue block even when it's your absolute favorite! 🧱

Q1: "Why do I have to say sorry when they started it?"

Biblical Foundation:

Matthew 5:9 - "Blessed are the peacemakers..."

Preschool Response:

"Being a peace-maker means we help make things better, even when it's hard. It's like being God's special helper! When we say sorry, we're helping hearts become friends again - just like putting a bandaid on a boo-boo helps it feel better."

Follow-up Activity:

Practice "peace-maker words" with puppets. Pro tip: Puppets are surprisingly effective at demonstrating forgiveness, especially when they're wearing tiny peace-maker capes! 🦸‍♂️

Q2: "What if they're still mean after I'm nice?"

Biblical Foundation:

Romans 12:18 - "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone."

Preschool Response:

"Sometimes friends need extra time to feel better, just like when you need extra hugs to feel better. We can keep being kind and pray for them - God helps us be patient! Think of it like waiting for cookies to bake - good things take time!"

Follow-up Activity:

Role-play being kind multiple times. Remember: Persistence in kindness is like glitter - it tends to stick around and spread! ✨

Q3: "How do I make the mad feelings go away?"

Biblical Foundation:

Proverbs 15:1 - "A gentle answer turns away wrath..."

Preschool Response:

"Those mad feelings are like thunderstorms in our hearts. But God gives us special ways to calm down - we can take deep breaths (like blowing out birthday candles), say a prayer, or ask for help. Sometimes we just need a quiet moment in our peace corner!"

Follow-up Activity:

Practice "peace-maker breathing" together. Bonus points if you can make it into a game involving pretend bubbles or peaceful butterflies! 🦋

Day 4: Sharing Hearts

Theme: Love's Outreach - Where we discover that sharing is caring (even when it involves the coveted sparkly crayon! ✨)

Q1: "Why should I share when it's MINE?"

Biblical Foundation:

Acts 20:35 - "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

Preschool Response:

"You know that happy feeling you get when someone shares with you? God gave us everything we have, and He gets super happy when we share with others - it's like giving God a big thank-you hug! Plus, playing together is way more fun than playing alone."

Follow-up Activity:

"Share and Share Alike" matching game - where everyone somehow ends up with more than they started with (it's the preschool version of loaves and fishes! 🐟)

Q2: "What if I don't have anything to share?"

Biblical Foundation:

2 Corinthians 9:7 - "God loves a cheerful giver."

Preschool Response:

"We can share lots of things that aren't toys! We can share smiles (they're free!), kind words, gentle hugs (if friends want them), and helping hands. Sometimes the best sharing doesn't come from our toy box at all!"

Follow-up Activity:

Make a list of "free things" we can share - you'll be amazed at how creative preschoolers get when brainstorming ways to share joy! 🌟

Q3: "Does God want me to share ALL my toys?"

Biblical Foundation:

Luke 6:38 - "Give, and it will be given to you..."

Preschool Response:

"God loves when we share, but He also understands that some things are special. We can learn to share some toys while keeping some special ones safe - just like God shares His love but keeps us safe too! It's okay to have special treasures."

Follow-up Activity:

Sort toys into "sharing toys" and "special toys." Remember: This activity might take longer than expected when every toy suddenly becomes extra special! 🧸

Day 5: Hearts United!

Theme: United in Purpose - When we discover that working together is like making a beautiful art project... even if not all the glitter ends up on the paper! ✨

Q1: "Why do we have to work together?"

Biblical Foundation:

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 - "Two are better than one..."

Preschool Response:

"God made us all different and special - like puzzle pieces! When we work together, we make something even more beautiful than we could make alone. It's like making God smile - and you know how much God loves your beautiful smile!"

Follow-up Activity:

Complete a simple group puzzle together. Watch in amazement as every piece becomes "the perfect piece" when friends help each other! 🧩

Q2: "What if I want to do it my way?"

Biblical Foundation:

Philippians 2:2 - "...being one in spirit and of one mind."

Preschool Response:

"Having our own ideas is great! But sometimes, like when we're making music together, we need to play the same song. God helps us learn when to use our own way and when to join the band. After all, even the best drummer has to play along with the song!"

Follow-up Activity:

Make music together, taking turns leading. Pro tip: Every instrument is the "best" instrument when you're praising God! 🎵

Q3: "How come they get to do the fun part?"

Biblical Foundation:

1 Corinthians 12:14-20 - Different parts of one body

Preschool Response:

"In God's family, everyone has special jobs! Just like your body needs both hands and feet to play, our class needs everyone doing their special part. Sometimes you're the glitter-sprinkler, sometimes you're the glue-holder - but every job helps make something wonderful!"

Follow-up Activity:

Play the "Body Parts" cooperation game, where everyone's role is essential. Remember: Even cleanup crew is a starring role when we're working together! 🌟


  • Every question is an opportunity (even if it comes during snack time)
  • Sometimes the best theology happens between cleanup and story time
  • God's love can be explained with crayons, blocks, and occasionally dinosaurs
  • When in doubt, "Jesus loves you" is always the right answer
  • And yes, sometimes the most profound ministry moments happen while fishing stickers out of someone's hair! 💝

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