Holy Week 2023 - The Example
Reflecting on Jesus' Ministry and Last Supper
Posted by: CDFWarrington on Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 8:15PM
For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you. (John 13:15)
Throughout Jesus' time on Earth, He led a life of teaching, performing miracles, and exemplifying how we should live. Ultimately, He sacrificed Himself so that we could establish an eternal relationship with God. Today, we commemorate the model He left for us, particularly in the passages of the Last Supper, where He provided guidance, comfort, and an example for us to follow.
Communion and Christ as the Ultimate Servant
The Gospel of Luke recounts Jesus instructing His disciples that following His example as a servant is more important than striving to be considered the "greatest" [a]. Jesus discussed this immediately after He demonstrated His own servant leadership. In the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, Jesus models the ultimate act of servanthood and urges us to always remember it[b] through the establishment of the "Lord's Supper" or "communion." Jesus explained that the bread and wine represent His body and blood, which would shortly be sacrificed as atonement for our sins.
The Gospel of John: A Valuable Source of Wisdom for Christ's Disciples
In the Gospel of John, Jesus presents Himself as a servant by washing His disciples' feet [c]. He also presented Himself as a model for attaining eternal life with God. He describes Himself as the Way, the Truth, and the Life [d] and as the True Vine [e]. Jesus also teaches that He is a reflection of God the Father [f] and promises to send the Holy Spirit as a source of comfort to His followers [g]. Above all, Jesus encourages His disciples to love the world as He and the Father have loved them [h]. The words of Jesus in the Gospel of John are filled with wisdom and guidance for His followers, even to this day.
Not only did these words draw parallels with Jesus, but they also served as a warning to His disciples about the persecution and hardship they would face [i]. Despite these hardships, Jesus reassured them that He had already overcome the world [j] was going to prepare a place for them [k] and promised that He would provide for them [l]. He also prayed for their unity and sanctification in the truth [m] in the face of persecution. Jesus spoke about His relationship with the Father and the Holy Spirit's role as a comforter, guiding them into all truth and remembering all that He had taught them [n]. These teachings demonstrate Jesus' love and care for His followers and offer valuable lessons for us today as we strive to follow Him.
The Crucial Reminder of Christ's Example for His Church
During His final night with His disciples, Jesus reflected on all the teachings He had imparted over the years. He reminded them of His example and how it served as the ultimate representation of each principle. Even today, Christ remains an example to His Church. We take this opportunity to reflect on His model as we prepare our hearts and minds for the upcoming weekend.
Related Posts
- Holy Week - Introduction
- Sunday - Palm Sunday
- Monday - The Judge
- Tuesday - The Teacher
- Wednesday - The Betrayed
- (This post) Thursday - The Example
- Friday - Good Friday
- Saturday - Anticipation Saturday
- Sunday - Easter Sunday
Referenced Passages
- [a] - Luke 22:24-27
- [b] - Matthew 26:26–29, Mark 14:22–25, Luke 22:15–20
- [c] - John 13:3–20
- [d] - John 14:4–6
- [e] - John 15:1-11
- [f] - John 14:7-11
- [g] - John 14:15-31; 16:4-15
- [h] - John 13:34-35; 14:15, 21; 15:9-10
- [i] - John 15:18-16:3; 16:16-24
- [j] - John 16:25-33
- [k] - John 17, esp. vv 19-23
- [l] - John 17, esp. vv 1-18
- [m] - John 14:1–3
- [n] - John 14:12–14